

2013年08月08日 16:43:07 No.519


投稿者 : Floremlq

Your Soul is the one who seeks to evolve back into being that energy from where it came, its creator, God.
Your veterinarian will want to know the time of day seizure occurred, time length of the seizure, time between each seizure if recurrent, if your dog urinated or defecated, if seizure hit suddenly or progressed from body twitching, when your pet regained consciousness, how long before your dog appeared normal again, and whether anything occurred leading up to the dog's seizure. Were there possible triggering events such as loud noises like fireworks, unusual items ingested or excessive activity or exercise?

The Value of Taking Time out to be a Nothing and a Nobody
When I'm asked what does it really mean to love yourself. My answer is this: Treating yourself as you would a boyfriend/girlfriend. It might seem crazy but you will have to talk to yourself, encourage yourself, and reassure yourself by telling yourself about all the great qualities you have and why you are worthy of love. Smiling at yourself every time you pass a mirror because you know that you have something special within yourself. Buying yourself that thing that you wished someone would buy for you. You are your own best friend. You are the only person that you will always have no matter what. And that鈥檚 the only thing that applies for everyone, everywhere at every time.


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